Monday 23 June 2014

Sketch 12: Debris

Phew, after what seemed to be an eternity of hiatus, finally I get to sit at my table and sketch away. Forgive me for the break. Exams were ongoing and my days were as busy as a bee.

Well, anyhow, here I am. This piece took me almost 4 hours to complete and I took the liberty of naming it 'Debris'. Why you ask? Just look below and you'll understand.

To those who don't know, I have always been an adamant fan of the anime and manga Fullmetal Alchemist. There is just this feel that the storyline bestows upon its audience. The brotherhood and love it portrays just touches the heart of its ever so loyal viewers.

Alrighty then, without further ado, let's start! :D

EQUIPMENT: Mechanical pencil 0.5mm, Eraser, Pilot G-3 pen 1.0mm, Pilot G-2 pen 0.38mm, Pilot G-2 pen 0.5mm, Artline 0.05 

So as usual, I was browsing through the net trying to find an image to refer. And I came across this beauty:
First thought: WOAHHHH
Second thought: Where on earth do I start?
Third thought: Well, the face, perhaps.

And so I began sketching the outline of it, and this was what I got:

And I thought to myself: Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. And so I dug through my pencil case and reached for my trusty .38mm pen. The inking was not that easy, since the degree of detail was quite high. Nonetheless, an hour later and a track of Boyce Avenue songs, finally I finished inking the outline:

Take note that the details were not complete at this point, since it is pointless putting it in before the coloring.

Well, after a series of Fullmetal Alchemist opening songs, I finally finished the piece. And because I started this quite late into the night, I had to pause my work, all because of the human evolutionary need to sleep. And as much as my hands wanted to go on, my eyes did not agree. (Oh, and then there was the Spain vs Australia match, heh)

And so, I continued this piece the first thing in the morning, or more like afternoon. (Well, as much as I think the idea of sleep is not all necessary, I still can't deny the tastiness of it)

So, here you go, the final piece!

Notice how most of the debris are added after the coloring and shading. 

Hope you enjoyed! And thanks for your time :3